It was a gorgeous summer evening for Emily’s senior session. I had actually met her before when she was very little. Her mom was a preschool teacher with me years ago. I knew she was adorable then, but now she is absolutely stunning, and has the most amazing personality!
We stopped at various spots in Stillwater and then headed to a field outside of town. It was the perfect time of year for summer blooms and greenery. And Emily did a wonderful job of choosing both casual and dressier options for her outfits, that didn’t clash with the surroundings. I also had to grab a couple photos of her with her gorgeous mom, who I was so happy to see after so many years! I adore you Emily, and I hope you have a fabulous senior year! XOXO
Hi, I'm Julie— a Minnesota-based photographer serving families, seniors, and the newly engaged. Explore the site for all things photography!
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I'm an introverted extrovert (for real!) I love meeting new people and making friends, but I also love just chilling at home with my family. I have a slight obsession with my amazing clients and, as a past teacher, I love to mentor and coach other photographers! I'm so glad you're here!
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